2005-02-15 00:00

El Ministerio de Educación de la República Popular China convoca su concurso anual para el año académico 2005-2006, con motivo de la concesión de quince becas para ciudadanos españoles. Así mismo, se ofrece una plaza de lectorado para profesores extranjeros de filología china. Se requiere que el solicitante posea el título de licenciado o superior. La beca no incluye el gasto de viaje desde el país de origen a China.
La documentación del solicitante será entregada a la Embajada de la República Popular China en Madrid antes del 31 de marzo de 2005. El día 6 y 7 de abril se realizará una entrevista con los solicitantes en la Embajada en Madrid. Para más información (requisitos del solicitante, la documentación exigida, la dotación de la beca, la comunicación de la resolución, así como universidades chinas disponibles para los becarios) consulte la página del Ministerio de Educación chino dedicada a las becas para extranjeros (dirección: o la pagina web de la embajada de china en españa, donde se pueden descargar los formularios de solicitud, o bien solicite la información y los formularios a la Sección de Educación de la Embajada de China en Madrid.
Documentación exigida:
-El formulario de solicitud de la beca, original y fotocopia (una), debidamente rellenados en inglés o en chino.
-El título académico notariado. En caso de estar cursando estudios universitarios, ha de presentar el certificado expedido por el centro donde realiza dichos estudios; también se requiere el certificado expedido por la entidad donde el solicitante ejerce labores profesionales si esto procede.
-Nota de reválida debidamente notariada (para solicitantes de licenciatura) u otros expedientes académicos en los que constan las notas de asignaturas cursadas (para el resto de solicitantes).    
-Plan de investigación, redactado en inglés o en chino (se pide un mínimo de 200 palabras para solicitantes del curso de licenciatura, 400 para los del curso de investigación y 500 para los del curso de maestría).
-Los solicitantes de maestría, doctorado o investigación superior han de aportar cartas de recomendación de dos profesores titulares o catedráticos, escritas en inglés o chino; así como la resolución de admisión expedida por la universidad (o centro de investigación) en la que pretende realizar estudios.
-los solicitantes de la especialidad de música han de presentar un casete que contenga la grabación de su obra; los solicitantes de bellas artes han de presentar fotos de seis obras suyas (dos de lápiz, dos a óleo o acuarela y dos de otros tipos).
-los solicitantes menores de edad han de presentar documentación de su custodia en China. 
-Si la estancia en China excede de seis meses, el solicitante ha de presentar una fotocopia del certificado médico estipulado e impreso por el Ministerio de Sanidad de la República Popular China. Los análisis requeridos en el certificado han de ser debidamente cumplidos y firmados por los médicos y sellados por los centros sanitarios que los hayan realizado; la fotografía del solicitante ha de estar marcada con un sello en relieve. El certificado tiene una vigencia de seis meses y puede pedir a la embajada.
Los solicitantes pueden iniciar la solicitud a las universidades y centros
docentes chinos al mismo tiempo que tramitan la solicitud de beca en la Embajada de la República Popular China.
Persona de contacto:
Sr.WANG ZHIWEI  Primer secretario de asuntos educativos
Embajada de la República Popular China.
Dirección: Matias Turrion 28  Madrid 28043
Tel : 917 59 89 83    Fax: 913 88 97 65     
Anexo: 1. Guía de becas de la República Popular China
Application Procedures for Chinese Government Scholarship
Chinese Government Scholarship scheme was established by the Ministry of Education of China in accordance with educational exchange agreements or understandings reached between Chinese government and governments of other countries, education organs, institutions and relevant international organizations to provide both full scholarship and partial scholarship to international students and scholars. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) administers the recruitment of international students and the routine management of the Chinese Government Scholarship scheme.

Categories of Applicants and Duration of Scholarship

  Duration of Major Studies  Duration of Remedial Chinese Language Studies  Duration of Scholarship    
                                  academic year/s     
1.      Undergraduates  4-5  1-2  4-7    
2.      Master degree students  2-3  1-2  2-5    
3.      Doctoral degree students  3  1-2  3-5    
4.      Chinese language students  1-2  none  Up to 2    
5.      General scholars  1-2  1  Up to 2    
6.      Senior scholars  1-2  1  Up to 2  
Remedial Chinese language studies are arranged before major studies. If the major courses for Ph. D and Master degree students could be conducted in English, remedial Chinese study will not be arranged (except undergraduate candidates). The duration of scholarship for the scholarship student is set at the time of admission.

The applicants may apply to Chinese diplomatic missions or the competent authorities in their home country. The time for application is normally from the beginning of January to the beginning of April. Applicants may refer to the relevant authorities for details.
1. Applicants must be non-Chinese nationals in good health.
2. The educational background and age limit:
l Applicants for undergraduate studies must have completed senior high school with good grade and be under the age of 25.
l Applicants for master degree studies must have bachelorĄŻs degree and be under the age of 35.
l Applicants for Doctoral degree studies must have masterĄŻs degree and be under the age of 40.
l Chinese language students must have finished senior high school and be under the age of 30 , will pursue the major of Chinese language in China.
l General scholar candidates must have completed at least two years of undergraduate studies and be under the age of 45, may pursue all majors besides Chinese language.
l Senior scholar candidates must have master or higher degree or hold academic titles of associate professor or higher, and be under the age of 50.
Details of the Scholarship
Full scholarship
Full scholarship: A Chinese government full scholarship covers tuition (or research) fees, basic learning materials, accommodation, living allowance, emergency medical care, comprehensive medical insurance for international students under Chinese government scholarship, a once only settlement subsidy and a once only inter-city travel allowance.
1. monthly living allowance is paid to the students by the institution at the following rates (CNY yuan per month):
l undergraduates: CNY 800 yuan
l Chinese language students: CNY 800 yuan
l master degree students, general scholars: CNY 1,100 yuan
l doctoral degree students, senior scholars: CNY 1,400 yuan
2. Emergency medical care is referred to as the out-patient expense generated in the institutionĄŻs hospital. The students should afford a certain percentage of expense in accordance with the institutionĄŻs relevant regulations.
3. Comprehensive medical insurance is insured by the Ministry of Education of China for the scholarship students in China against diseases and accidents. The institution is entitled to ask for compensation on the payment receipts from the insurance company for the expenses generated from hospitalizing for serious diseases or from accidental injury according to the stipulated insurance articles.
4. Settlement subsidy (once only and after registration)
w CNY 300 yuan for new students whose period of studies in China lasts up to six months
w CNY 600 yuan for new students whose period of studies in China lasts one academic year or more
5. Unless it is set otherwise in bilateral agreements or arrangements, a once only inter-city travel ticket(each for coming-in and leaving China)
A hard-seat train ticket (hard-berth train ticket only for overnight trip) will be provided to :
--freshmen transfer from the port of entry to the city where the admitting institution is located
--graduates transfer from the city where the institution is located to the port of departure
--Students transfer from the city where they take remedial Chinese language courses to the city where the institution of major study is located
6. International air ticket
Ministry of Education of China will provide the international students round-trip or one way international air ticket based on the reached agreements, and entrust CSC to take charge of booking the most doable and economical international air ticket for the students between Beijing and their capitals. If the students take other line come to China or go back to their home country, they should afford the extra expenses as well as the excess of baggage.
Partial scholarship
One or some of the above items of the full scholarship (once only settlement subsidy and only once inter-city travel allowance not included).
Application Materials
The applicants must fill in and provide the following materials truly and correctly.
1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (printed by CSC), one original and one photocopy, in Chinese or in English
2. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy). If applicants are university students or already employed, they should also provide documents of being university students or on-post employees. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English.
3. Applicants for undergraduate studies will need to provide notarized copy of senior high school transcripts. Applicants for other categories of studies also need to provide relevant notarized transcripts. Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English.
4. A study or research plan written in Chinese or in English (no less than 200 words for undergraduates, no less than 400 words for scholars, no less than 500 words for postgraduates).
5. Applicants for master or doctoral degree studies and senior scholars must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English by professors or associate professors. Applicants who apply in China for master or doctoral degree studies must submit the Admission Notice of the university.
6. Applicants for music are requested to submit one cassette recording of the applicantsĄŻ own work. Applicants for fine arts must submit six color photographs of personal works (two sketches, two color paintings and two other works).
7. Applicants under the age of 18 should submit the legal documents of their legal guardians in China.
8. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (printed by Chinese quarantine authority and only for those whose period of studies in China lasts up to six months) filled in English. The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. The medical examination results will be valid for 6 months. All applicants are kindly requested to take this factor into consideration while determining the time to take the medical examination.
The above mentioned materials should reach CSC by April 30th via either the Chinese diplomatic missions in the applicantĄŻs home country or the embassies of the applicantĄŻs home country in China. CSC does not accept individual applications. Application materials will not be returned regardless whether the applicants are accepted or not by a Chinese institution.
Selection of Institutions and Specialty
Applicants may choose 3 institutions and 1 specialty as personal preferences from the China institutions designated by the Ministry of Education of China. Please check the Directory of the Chinese Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Programme or the website of CSC ( for details. Applicants are required to fill in their preferences of institutions and specialties strictly within the ones listed in the Directory. Applicants for master or doctoral degree studies and senior scholars are required to attached their detailed study or research plan with other application materials.
Approval and Notification
1. CSC will review all the application materials from the appointed authorities and CSC is authorized to make necessary adjustments on the applied institutions, specialties and duration of study. The qualified applications will be forwarded to different institutions and the final decision whether to admit the applicants or not will be made by them. The application will be seen as invalid and will not be processed if the applicants are not qualified or the application materials are inconsistent with the recruitment regulations or are incomplete.
2. Applicants without taking the relevant admission examination apply through recommendation for undergraduate, master degree or doctoral degree from abroad may be enrolled by the institutions as students on probation for one year. The students will be switched to regular ones if they pass the entrance examination or relevant required courses. Credits scored on probation will be included in the total credits. If remedial Chinese courses are needed, the students must pass the entrance examination or relevant courses during the period of probation before they can pursue their major study. Those who fail the required examinations shall finish their study and leave China.
3. Applicants are encouraged to contact the institutions (94 institutions specified by MOEC listed in the Directory) and tutors prior to application and please enclose the relevant admission or recommendation letter it there is.
4. Scholarship applicants accepted by Chinese institutions will be officially confirmed as Chinese Government Scholarship students with endorsement from the Ministry of Education of China.
5. Finalized placements, specialties and duration of studies are in principle not to be changed.
6. CSC will send the List of Enrolled Students, Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study In China (JW201) to the relevant dispatching authorities by July 31, so as to have these documents forwarded to the students.
Official Address of China Scholarship Council
Address: No. 160 Fuxingmennei Street, Beijing 100031, P.R.China
Tel : 0086-10-66413253, 66414265, 66413132
Fax: 0086-10-66413255
Relación de universidades chinas que aceptan becarios extranjeros

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